Moms have their hands full of blessings - a book trailer

I am so thankful to Crossway for making this book trailer for Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full!


In my conversations with moms from all over the world I've learned that our circumstances are all so very different. But one thing stands out that is the same-- we don't need fake hope. (In this broken, fallen world, who has time for fake hope?)

I hope this short video encourages you to look to Christ as your sufficiency for everything today.

Motherhood is a gift from God, but sometimes it can be overwhelming. Reorienting exhausted moms to the soul-satisfying grace of God, Gloria Furman helps readers learn to treasure Christ in the mundane moments of life. Learn more:

Raising kids overseas, hospitality issues, and marshmallows

Here's the second part of the interview questions that Crossway readers sent in.


One of the questions had to do with something I think about often-- quality time and children. I've already found some encouragement from an "old, dead guy" on this issue...

How do you ensure that you’re spending one-on-one time with each of your kids?

I think this happy endeavor is an ongoing pursuit and a creative art. Something that has always impressed me is the flavor of the quality time that Jonathan Edwards spent with his kids each night (as described in the book, Marriage to a Difficult Man). This busy pastor would “enter freely into the feelings and concerns of his children and relaxing into cheerful and animate conversation accompanied frequently with sprightly remarks and sallies of wit and humor.” I’m so encouraged by Edwards’ perspective on quality time with his kids because it leaves a sweet taste to savor instead of a burden of anxiety or a law to check off my list.

Pain in the Mundane

On one of our recent flights we sat in the back of the plane next to a family with four young kids. We joked together about how they seated our noisy broods next to the white-noise producing engines.

When the plane started rolling down the runway for takeoff, our neighbors’ youngest son started to lose his cool. He threw off his seat belt, began kicking the chair in front of him, and fought his mother’s attempts to restrain him. He screamed at an octave that few human beings could reach as the plane lifted higher and higher into the sky.

A flight attendant made her way to their seats and asked the mother if she could help, insisting that the boy remain in his chair with his seat belt on. They had a brief

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